1. I used the transform tool to change at least one selection/layer by adding a gradient in the background, and hiding one of the layers.
2. I used the move tool to move selections from one section to another by first making the shape , selecting the layer, then moving it to my desired location.
3. I changed layer positions by clicking on the layer, then dragging it up or down the task bar.
4. For this assignment I worked independently, using the instructions on Classroom.
5. My color scheme was warm, bright colors that fit the mood of my image.
6. The requirements for this assignment were to create an abstract geometric art composition using one or two elements of art (shape, color, texture, value or form) and one principles of design.
7. What is unique about my composition is my selection of shapes and gradient.
8. My work symbolizes a simple yet colorful composition. I used Shape , Color, and Form. The Principles of Design shown in my composition are Variety, Emphasis and Balance. There are a variety of different shapes used, and what contrasts from the background is the flower at the center of the image. It is balanced because the clouds are in the sky at the top of the image, the flower is in the ground at the bottom of the image, and the petals are arranged somewhat asymetrically.